Depression: An Unspoken Mind

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Depression is a feeling which makes a person think of guilty and lowness about themselves. It is an emotion associated with deep sadness. It kills the expression of loving anything around.

It also makes a person disinterested in the activity they might be doing. It creates fear and underconfidence in a person to complete a particular task.

It is not necessary for someone to be annoyed about one thing, depression can also be faced due to a series of injustice episodes happening to an individual. So it is very important to speak about all these events to anyone you trust blindly-any friend, mentor, or counselor.

It is an extreme condition wherein you don’t feel like getting up from bed, even after sleeping for more than 12 hours. It’s basically a condition that your body that preserves your energy by continuously sleeping. Statistically, it is proven that it takes more than 10 years for an individual to figure out he is facing some disorder.

General Signs & Symptoms of Depression

  • Difficulty in expressing emotions
  • Lack of Sleep/Oversleeping
  • No interest in Life
  • Constantly feeling guilty
  • Body Pain/Headache
  • Eating habits
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Under confidence in expressing opinions
  • Constantly Moving
  • Avoiding things you loved before

Difficulty in expressing emotions

In Depression, a person’s mind becomes very fragile to express his emotion be it happy or sad. He fears that the surrounding people will judge him for his shortcomings.

It’s not only because he is in a dark corner but he feels people around him will not understand the pain he is going through. Moreover, this feeling is abstract, because even if a person is in depression he might act normal and hide his pain behind his wide glittery smile.

It’s very important for a person to understand that physical pain can be healed through medicines but this mental illness can only be solved through love and listening.

‘Handle with care, and the flower will again bloom’

Lack of Sleep /Oversleeping

When you are depressed you tend to sleep for too many hours or you face difficulty in getting sleep. It is a feeling where you feel tired even after sleeping for more than 20 hours and you don’t feel like getting up from your bed.

It’s very important to have a good night’s sleep to start another day. An individual gets too many thoughts and trouble with the whole world while he tries to sleep. That’s why it is suggested to do meditation or listen to positive things before sleeping.

‘Diversion is the key to overcoming unwanted thoughts‘.

No interest in Life

When you feel you are not a part of any activity going around that’s a sign that something is wrong with you. You are carefree about anyone arguing with you and you don’t even feel to answer them back. It is a sad feeling when the whole world turns grey even when there are so many colors blooming around.

Give that space to someone who needs time to deal with his depression but at the same time do not keep on poking him for his low energy or by making fun of his emotion.

‘Live and Let Live‘.

Constantly feeling Guilty

Guilt comes from the mistakes that one does in his life. It scares a depressed person to overcome any difficult situation in his life, ending up ultimately making him feel guilty about it.

He starts blaming himself for every failure happening around him. He feels that even if he makes new friends they will leave him one day because of his sad and quiet nature towards life.

It can be the simplest of the daily activities like if he has forgotten to switch off the tube light before leaving the house, it can be guiding people to search the required address(wrong directions to reach) if some beggar is hungry and he doesn’t have money to offer If pets are not treated well on the street and many other instances.

 Body Pain/Headache

A person undergoing depression keeps feeling body and headaches every time. The negative energies are attracted very quickly to such people. Moreover, during Depression, people start to overthink a lot about the smallest issue and they create a huge headache for it.

This kind of ache arises only through too much stress your body and mind are absorbing from the surroundings. You need to focus on doing some exercise or meditation to get rid of it forever.

Eating Habits

When you feel low you either eat more you end up skipping your meals completely. So in depression, you try to either do binge eat all the junk food ultimately gaining weight more than usual times.

 On the other hand, due to the intake of unhealthy food, you start feeling less energetic and lazy for performing daily activities. Hence there comes an existence of oversleeping because of it.

Also when you have a loss of appetite your energy will become low and due to an empty stomach you cannot sleep properly which further results in ‘insomnia‘.

Lack of Concentration

In Depression, you are unable to focus on anything that you do for a longer period of time. It kills all your thoughts and energy to pivot to a particular thing.

Like if both Ram and Shyam are playing Chess Board, and Shyam is in depression he will tend to leave the game the middle way as it will be impossible for him to concentrate his mind completely on the game.

‘If you concentrate on the journey you will never fail, rather than the results’.

Under confidence in expressing opinions

A person with this disorder tries to cover himself in a protective shell that is free of any judgments and closes all the opportunities in order to survive in the outer practical world.

He develops a random fear even when he is normally interacting with people around him. He tends to fumble with his words or feels stressed out about what people will think about him while he fumbles.

Constantly Moving

A person in depression cannot stay still in one place because parallelly he is also facing some anxiety issues. Thus, he constantly changes places and diverts his attention.

In order to meet new people, he doesn’t stay still in one place for too long. New people will not know about his anxiety and depression, which makes him secure to stay safe with them.

Avoiding things you loved before

An individual with expertise in Sketching, dancing, archery, sport, or any hobby feels irritated by doing it. He starts feeling that he has no right to stay happy and enjoy life.

Because of the burden of past events, he starts feeling the world will judge him for smiling and leading a normal life. The world is always there to judge everyone around only when things go wrong. But the same people will be jealous and keep quiet if you are successful in Life.

Tips to reduce depression

  • Regular Health appointments with Counselor to know your progress
  • Avoid Solitude and Isolation
  • Pamper yourself with anything that makes you happy
  • Do regular 30 min Exercise to stay active
  • Educate yourself about depression
  • Acceptance about depression if you are already suffering
  • Divert yourself when negative thoughts come to your mind

What is Clinical Depression?

Clinical Depression is also known as ‘Major Depression’ in which you lose interest in doing daily activities. It is not driven by social causes, but also because of physical or biological happening in one’s life. It increases more and more when you don’t share anything about the pain and suffering you are going through alone.

It can be anything like the death of a near one, the body undergoing physical changes during pregnancy, if hurt many times on a particular topic, when you don’t get the same love back from a particular person, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, etc.

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What is Persistent Depressive disorder?

It is a disorder that is the same as clinical depression, the only difference is that it is a prolonged one and stays in a person’s mind for a long period of time. It ultimately results in insomnia and physical restlessness.

And if you don’t enough sleep you tend to get tired sooner while performing daily activities. Hence it may further lead to irritation, mood swings and finally lowering one’s self-esteem.

‘Stay strong when the world is throwing pebbles, only you know what you are going through‘.

Treatment for Depression

  • The minute you understand that you are depressed it’s necessary for you to consult a counselor. A counselor will guide you well with their expertise to come out of it. They will take counseling sessions step by step and guide you emotionally to reduce the pain and fear that is buried under your heart for years and years.
  • Talk to someone who has already fought Depression. Talk to them about their journey of getting over it. Listening to each other’s stories might also strengthen their will to achieve victory over depression.
  • It is suggested to Exercise as they secrete a good hormone called ‘Endorphins’ which boosts your energy to stay active for the entire day
  • Avoid thinking about negative thoughts because it will secrete’ Cortisol ‘a negative hormone responsible for having low energy and will increase your feeling of guilt.

‘Talking can reduce half of your problems, instant mental cure’.

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