Schizophrenia: A Psychotic Disorder

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Schizophrenia is a serious medical illness where a person feels very different from others. It affects their way of thinking and ability to perform an action in a normal way. It is also known as Psychotic Disorder because it’s all actions are related to wrong signals given by the brain. They look at every normal thing like a problem and start believing in things that are not real.

Like their brain shifts from normal thinking to any abnormality once they get triggered. Also, it is actively visible to everyone about they behave weirdly and differently.

The root cause of this disorder is not yet discovered but its symptoms can be reduced by leading a life under the guidance of a counselor who can also prescribe a suitable set of medicines.

It feels very weird to know that a person will suddenly feel the characters in a painting moving around and trying to communicate with him.

They find it normal to do abnormal things like speaking to the plants in the garden, they can feel the fan moving without switching it on, the objects around moving up and down, and also they could hear noises of airplanes, vehicles, or doorbell repetitive cycles.

Schizophrenia is untreatable but its Symptoms can be reduced.

Symptoms causing Schizophrenia:

  • Extreme Mood Swings
  • Having Split mind
  • Fragmented Thinking
  • Unpredictable
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Disorganized Speech
  • Disorganized Behavior


Extreme Mood Swings

In Schizophrenia a person is loaded with extreme emotions. He is either too happy or very sad, too excited or too much in Pain. There is no neutral behavior of such a person.

If he is talking nice at this moment and if another moment he is triggered by something of yours he will be very aggressive and start being vocal about the perception he has in his mind about you.


They always feel the world is very abnormal to them and they are acting very normal and fine. They also have the symptom of designing their own story that never existed.

‘Take charge of your mind, to avoid unwanted situations’.

Having Split Mind

This is not similar to Split personality, but your mind is driven by unexisting and impossible thoughts. It is a way in which you deeply think about any situation and start imagining things that cannot be possible.

It is much related to the brain, how it thinks and performs a particular activity without saying any awkward remarks.

Fragmented thinking

There are no continuous thoughts coming from a person’s mind. They keep on hoping and jumping their thoughts like a monkey jumping and swinging from one bark to another.

Like if a person during a social gathering is talking about how his work is going, and suddenly starts talking about what his mom had cooked last Sunday, then about the accident he saw another day while going to the market. While speaking and jumping to another topic he doesn’t even complete the previous topics.


In Schizophrenia a person doesn’t have any control over his actions and he doesn’t feel scared to do any weird things publically.

They feel the world around them is always finding reasons to target them. So they go to any extent to protect themselves from people they feel judged.

It is possible for someone who is happy at one point to have a bad moment at another point in time


In Schizophrenia, the very evident symptom seen is Hallucination. People start hearing voices that don’t exist in the real world. Also, they start seeing people that don’t have their identity or existence.

Like during a hallucination, you feel there is someone in the house other than you even if you are alone. They create an imaginary person that keeps on whispering in your ears about something wrong is going to happen to them.

Also, you hallucinate about a person who is no longer in this world; but you can feel his presence and you feel lighter sharing your thoughts with him.


In Schizophrenia, you tend to start believing things that can’t be true. This can make a person think in a negative way about everyone around. They start feeling that someone is constantly trying to hurt them physically.

They create their own imaginary pool of ideas in which they feel people are making plans to kill them by adding poison to their food, trying to hurt them with some sharp weapon, etc. If not treated at right time it can be fatal.

Disorganized Speech

In this disorder, you tend to get multiple ideas continuously and while talking you tend to shift your thoughts from one topic to another. People with this have great difficulty maintaining interest or concentration on a particular thing.

Disorganized Behavior

A person tends to have various ups and downs in their actions and is emotionally unstable at the moment. They become very happy and then in another instance will be agitated for no reason. They don’t think twice before doing any action. They are very blunt and have a flat effect on their emotions. They don’t feel bad for hurting others through their words.

You also are in your imaginary dreamy world due to which when asked for something you answer in an illogical way . Like if someone asks you how your day at work was and you answer about the wedding outfit of your best friend. Both the question and answers have no relation to the topic.

Treatment for Schizophrenia:

  • There is no particular medical research that defines a cure for this disorder, only through Counselor do you have to get its symptoms reduced.
  • Some People may respond to different treatments like the medicinal course. One can take measures depending upon the best suitable treatment for them.
  • As every leg fits a unique shoe size, effective treatment can be provided individually or in groups. In group counseling, a set of people suffering from Schizophrenia are allowed to gather together and are given an activity where they can identify the symptoms faced by other people.
  • Then after the activity, they are given a room where they can do a group analysis of how they feel and what measures each one is taking to reduce their symptoms. By spreading knowledge about different experiences you can actually motivate someone’s life.

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