Life is a journey where everyone lives in high spirits, joy, love, emotions, and different experiences. Life basically describes your own unique identity to leave its mark on the world. Everyone thinks that the world has been unfair to them whenever they encounter any failures.
It’s been said “Life is a Path, go ahead and quote your own journey” Life is something you should make worth living. Every person in this universe is in a race to make each day better than the previous one.
Life is just like a stage perform on it, and let the people judge.
The secret to leading a healthy, happy, and joyful life is loving and trusting self. You are chosen to be a human being after ages so pull up your socks and live each day like the last one. It’s not necessary to be hard on yourself to prove your success to others. Choosing a difficult pattern is not required you can solve the puzzle smartly too. From the Rising you Fall, and from falling you learn.
Control is a very strong word that depicts the management of activities and the ability to make them performed by others. It is an art to have a disciplined life or to refrain others to do certain limitations. Controlling can either be for a good
either be for good cause or bad. It also means drawing certain lines so as to have an interrupted-free life.
‘Life choices can be controlled through your actions, but not by your personality‘
- Controlling reduces risks in life
- Self-control is a key to a healthy life
- Daily 30 mins exercise
- Meditation
- Quitting/Choosing unwanted habits
- Positivity lies within
- Self-Correction
- Professional and Personal life Balance
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Parental Control
- Bereavement
In your life, you cannot control affection, emotions, luck, and death the only thing you should have control over is your happiness. Choose always to bring happiness in the dullest moment of your life.
Controlling reduces risks in life
Controlling certain aspects or limiting your own life always has advantages. It helps us to overpower our self-temptations. Also whenever you have the urge to get into any kind of obstacle this is the only proven mantra that reduces risks. It basically means to be proactive to dent your desires. Controlling is further built on four pillars ACCEPTING, AVOIDING, LEARNING, and IMPROVING
ACCEPTING is the first step of addressing your problems either vocally or through some counseling. To face the world with your independent views is a courage that every person cannot tackle. Accepting always comes with a fear of being accepted by society. When you make blunders in life, your acquaintances mostly remind you of it, perhaps putting you in the guilty factor. But if you were brave enough to accept your failure then no one in this entire world can stop you from being successful in your real-life journey.
“Remember falling down was a circumstance/situational but enlightening yourself is a choice”
AVOIDING is the stage that should be immediately implemented as a remedy to your problems. It is a second chance to protect yourself from your learned lessons. It is indeed courageous to avoid your desirable toxic things (habits) that have the potential to destroy you. It will only pollute you as a person / make you cold-heredity is a process of being more vigilant and aware about every step we are about to make. For example, you avoid using a particular ingredient during preparing food once you are aware that you are allergic to it.
LEARNING is a process to enhance your skills and be a student of your own. He who learns excels in life and never feels shy to seek help. To learn you should either observe people around you or have a mentor to guide you. It’s been said you never learn from people who love you or are on agreed terms with you, so it’s better to have few enemies that may push you harder to be a better person.
“The more you learn the more hearts you can earn”.
IMPROVING is a divine experience to rejuvenate the self. It also highlights the scope of learning something new or doing out of your comfort zone. To follow this path you have to be determined, focused and patient however it is a great hardship to undergo. To describe it in simple terms it is a CHANGE for your own good. In the beginning, it will not be easy but in the end, you will definitely feel worth doing. Trust yourself to gain the faith of others. Once you are constantly improving, you will have no time to talk about others, and will soon realize criticism comes from a person who lives a life without motivation.
Self – Control is a key for a healthy Life
People who mostly think by their hearts are known as Emotional fools and that category of people are often controlled by others. They are always controlled by other people’s influence as they are brainwashed by their perceptions.
A person is advised to be self-opinionated only then he cannot be manipulated by others’ thoughts. When you often let others have an opinion about you; it is the time you become a ‘People Pleaser’. Listening to others’ ideologies (relatives, seniors, family, and friends) should only be treated as a second opinion if you are stuck with something.
Self-control is the power or ability to take decisions based on your mind rather than thinking emotionally. Self-control also takes you to greater heights of success as there is nothing harmful in doing that. It is a long determined and regular process that needs to be followed in day-to-day life. (Self-love=Self Control) Temptations in your life can be controlled only by loving oneself.
An example we all know Cigarettes smoking is injurious to health but still many of us are not able to overcome our desire to give up smoking. Whereas with a Controlled mind, you can minimize or completely stop smoking as you are aware of the outcomes of it . One who controls his own thoughts has the power to master overall. It not only helps to have a healthy mind but also a healthy lifestyle. Self-control is a path to lead a disciplined life on our own terms, which in turn will bring more and more positivity and greed to grow.
‘Self-control is the only way to master your accomplishments and achievements.
Daily 30 Minutes Exercise
Exercise is derived from the word Implementation. It is an activity that gives you a better direction to start your day with full power. It is a physical activity that creates positive energy in our minds and soul. It’s been suggested to do some walking, running or some stretching exercises at least for 30 Minutes a day. A Healthy mind comes from a Healthy Body which can generate innumerable GOOD and PRODUCTIVE thoughts. Stretching your body muscles is also for the betterment of blood circulation.
Exercise is not an activity to punish oneself (for Overeating) but an opportunity to change. It is the best way to avoid your body from becoming stiff due to different pains but also a way to detoxify yourself.
‘Where there is no pain there is no gain‘
Meditation is a way to cleanse and purify one’s mind, body, and soul. It helps to calm down a person in his worst situations in life. It relaxes your body and tells us to take a chill pill when things are going out of our hands. It is been designed to safeguard our deepest thoughts and it also has the power to convert our sorrows into a past deeds.
Spreading Love and Happiness can only happen when you are satisfied and content from within. Meditation is the best driver for your brain which will never land you in an accident spot. It not only stabilizes your mind but also increases your focus and concentration. It has the power to eradicate all negative thoughts and see the brighter side of every dark corner.
Three easy steps for Meditation are:
1) Find a comfortable place to Meditate
It is very necessary to have a clean and noise-free place to start with your meditation. Once you select an appropriate place, loosen up your shoulders, wrists, and entire body to go in that zone. It is important to keep your back straight and upright while performing it
2) Correct Body posture
During Meditation an individual must close his eyes, cross his legs with and palms facing upward. Parallel you must start chanting any mantra or any religious name that you find peace into
3) Concentration on breathing
It is important to concentrate on our breathing in this process to increase our focus and attention. This has to be performed for at least 20 minutes a day.
Some people find peace in Swimming. Even that is termed as another type of meditation and calms them down. Not only your body but your mind also needs the most attention.
‘Healing takes some time but only a step can create that magic of CHANGE.’